Borders beyond the Borders
With her paintings, the artist Aglika Gaytanikova provokes us to look deeper inside into our own limitations

Borders - this is how the artist Aglika Gaytanikova called the exhibition she arranged in Nirvana Gallery, Sofia. Previously, the exhibition had visited London and Frankfurt. The idea of this series of portraits was born during an en plein air in Ohrid. Aglika refers to the borders in thinking, but her colleagues from other Balkan countries decided that she meant the redefining of political borders and the refugee wave. This is how this topic provokes everyone to look deep into their own “borders”.
“Painting is a contemplative act. The effect of paintings is that they expand the boundaries of our world view”, the artist explains. In her opinion, art gives us freedom; it is a source of sublime sensations, although the market in Bulgaria and the Balkans is limited. The world is open, ideas travel, but if you paint only to sell, you better stop immediately, she cuts short.
Art gives us the harmony that we need to live here and now and give the best that we are capable of. Borders are not what they used to be, and now we can experience the most meaningful of the East and the West, Aglika Gaytanikova says, whose dream to go to India and paint there came true three years ago. She holds the brush confidently and is convinced that everything she does with an ideal purpose has its meaning. Travelling around the world opens up the boundaries of her perceptions, but going deep inside oneself unlocks new worlds in search of light.