Тhe Public Sector Loan Facility – another way of financing the just transition in regions
Meeting climate target objectives requires a lot of money, in addition to other things – there is no going around that simple fact
Meeting climate target objectives requires a lot of money, in addition to other things – there is no going around that simple fact
Local and regional governments enjoy the highest rate of trust among Europeans. While the more robust popularity of these authorities has long been established
The 22nd European Week of Regions and Cities officially kicked off today with an opening session at the European Parliament’s Hemicycle Hall
Keeping this important fact in mind, Economic.bg will head out to the 22nd European Week of Regions and Cities, taking place from 7 to 10 October in Brussels
The international forum "Just Transition Opportunities Across Borders", which took place on September 25 in Sofia, aroused great interest
The problems of the regions affected by the green transition in the European Union may be similar, but their solutions need to be different
The path to a truly just energy transition from coal to renewables passes through cooperation, open dialogue and transparency
Both the energy transition processes in Bulgaria and the retraining of the workforce in the country’s three coal regions must accelerate
Mariusz Kruczek is an assistant professor at the Central Mining Institute - National Research Institute. For many years together with his team
The green transition is happening very fast, and we better do everything that is presented to us as an opportunity