Is there light at the end of the tunnel

Tunnel construction in Bulgaria is entirely dependent on the state and its vision on how to build the transport infrastructure

Is there light at the end of the tunnel

Инж. арх. Валентин Трашлиев е мажоритарен акционер и главен изпълнителен директор на дружествата от групата „Евро Алианс Инженеринг“. Завършил е строително инженерство и архитектура в Техническия университет в Дрезден, Германия.

Photo: Личен архив

~ 4 min read
Tatyana Yavasheva Tatyana Yavasheva

„Euro Alliance“ is the only big company for tunnel construction in Bulgaria. For 30 years, it has built 150 km of tunnels, 95% of which are overseas. The company dates back to 1990 and, contrary to expectations, it has developed and consolidated first in Germany and Western Europe and then appeared on our market. Today “Euro Alliance” operates in Austria, Germany, Spain, Finland, Greece, Serbia, and also in Bulgaria. It has found a good niche, but this business is not easy at all, because tunnel construction is quite unattractive in terms of working conditions and it cannot rely on permanent commitments and regular funding. In Bulgaria, prices are low, which also determines the quality.