We Will Become a Key Player in Health Insurance
The award for contribution in insurance that I received in the contest 2018 Insurer of the Year, I humorously define as a lifetime achievement award
The award for contribution in insurance that I received in the contest 2018 Insurer of the Year, I humorously define as a lifetime achievement award
In the period 2000-2005, Bulgaria created a mini-Internet revolution - neighbourhood LAN networks provided very fast Internet to each average Bulgarian household
Technology has always been in my blood, and at a later stage, I turned my passion into business, says Engineer Miroslav Hinkov, CEO of Mechatronika
The Bulgarian software company Novanor received USD 10 million from an American investment fund to develop an online platform and mobile application
Emil Kirilov, Deyan Denchev, Bilyal Mestanov and Milush Karadimov are four students from the Sofia University and the Technical University that are behind the Lexis
Digitisation, transformation, convenience for the clients - this is the direction of development for banks that was outlined at the Financial Forum Innovations organised
Общото между изкуството да поддържаш автомобил и управлението на финансите е нуждата да се обърне внимание на детайла
Chris Hughes, a co-founder of Facebook, recently noted that the public scrutiny of Facebook is “very much overdue,” declaring that “it’s shocking to me
Развиващите се български бизнеси са заставени или да се продадат евтино, или да тъпчат на едно място
If you ask ten people you happen to meet on the street what would be the thing that they need in order to start a successful business and get rich