Bulgarian students' PISA test scores are critically low
The data show that the cognitive competences of more than half of the ninth graders are not adequate for solving everyday problems
Bulgarian students rank last in the EU in mathematics and second to last in reading, according to the results of the latest edition of the PISA 2022 survey. The proportion of Bulgarian students below the critical threshold of performance in the three areas surveyed is alarmingly high — 54% in mathematics, 53% in reading and 48% in science. The data show that the cognitive skills of more than half of the students are insufficient to solve everyday problems.
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a three-year test developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). It surveys 15-year-old students from around the world to assess the extent to which they have acquired key knowledge and skills that are important for full participation in social and economic life. The eighth edition of the survey was due to take place in 2021, but was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2022, 690 thousand students from 81 countries participated in the survey, including more than 7 thousand ninth graders from 200 schools in Bulgaria. The main area assessed is mathematical literacy. The test also assesses reading and science skills.
Levels five and six on the PISA scale represent high performers, while levels one and two indicate low performers. The proportion of high performers at levels five and six is insignificant — only 3% in mathematics, 2% in reading and 1% in science. The performance of Bulgarian students in PISA 2022 in all three domains is comparable to their lowest performance to date — in 2006. They are well below the OECD average, according to the Institute for Educational Research.
The average scores for 2022 are lower than in 2018 in mathematics and reading, and almost the same as in 2018 in science," the OECD report for Bulgaria said.
The results in mathematics
In mathematics, Bulgarian ninth graders scored 417 points. Only Mexico, Brazil, Indonesia and the Philippines scored lower. The USA is one position ahead of Bulgaria. In Bulgaria, 46% of students reached at least the second level in mathematics, compared to an average of 69% in OECD countries. This means that these students can represent a mathematical situation, such as comparing the total distance between two alternative routes or converting prices into a different currency.
Around 3% of students in Bulgaria achieved the highest levels, 5 and 6, compared to an average of 9% in OECD countries. These students can model mathematically complex situations and select, compare and evaluate appropriate strategies to solve them. Six Asian countries and economies have the highest proportions of students performing at the highest level: Singapore (41%), Taipei, China (32%), Macau, China (29%), Hong Kong, China (27%), Japan (23%) and Korea (23%). In only 16 of the 81 countries did more than 10% of students perform at levels 5 or 6.
Reading scores
Reading scores are lower, with Bulgarian ninth graders scoring an average of 404 points. Indonesia and the Philippines scored lower. Brazil and Mexico are ahead of Bulgaria. Almost 47% of Bulgarian students scored at level 2 or above in reading, compared to an average of 74% in OECD countries. These students can identify the main idea in a medium length text, locate information using clear but sometimes complex criteria, and indicate the purpose and format of texts when explicitly asked.
The proportion of 15-year-old students achieving the minimum reading literacy standard (Level 2 or above) ranged from 89% in Singapore to 8% in Cambodia. Only 2% of Bulgarian students scored at level 5 or above in reading, compared to an average of 7%. This means that these students can comprehend long texts, deal with abstract concepts, and identify and discriminate between opinions and facts based on implicit clues about the content or source of information.
Science results
Bulgarian students' knowledge of science is measured on average at 421 points. Mexico, Brazil, Indonesia and the Philippines have lower scores. The USA is again one position ahead of Bulgaria. One in two Bulgarian students (52%) scored at level 2 or above in science, with an average score of 76%. These students can identify the correct explanation for familiar scientific phenomena and determine whether a conclusion is valid based on the data provided. Only 1% of Bulgarian ninth graders reached levels 5 and 6, with an average of 7%. Students who reach the higher levels can apply their knowledge creatively and independently in a variety of situations, including those that are unfamiliar to them.
What are the reasons for the low scores?
According to the Minister of Education, Bulgarian students' results in mathematics in PISA 2022 are falling because education is not competency-based.
Mathematics and science tasks should become more practical. A large percentage of practical mathematics questions have been introduced in the matriculation exams," said Prof Tsokov.
In his words, Bulgarian students have knowledge, but cannot apply their skills in real life. The MES will help teachers and students with the more practical tasks, but it cannot prepare them for the PISA tests itself.
According to education experts, another big problem for our country is the involvement and participation of parents in the preparation of their children in mathematics and science. The change in education is linked to the overall change in the public, including parents.
If a higher percentage of parents are involved in what is going on at school and in their children's results, then the results in external assessments and the results in PISA 2022 will be higher," says Prof Tsokov.
The next problem highlighted by the Minister is discipline and the use of electronic devices in class. According to him, 46% of students are distracted by the use of electronic devices in class.
The measures taken by the Ministry of Education
It should be recalled that yesterday the Ministry of Education and Science (MoES) announced several measures to improve results in the fight against low functional literacy. These include the creation of an additional module in the national curricula aimed at students and the qualification of teachers to teach and prepare tasks in the PISA format, as well as the introduction of national entry and exit levels in grades 8 and 9 in Bulgarian language and literature, mathematics and science with practical tasks based on the PISA model. In order to improve the results of the next edition of the survey in 2025, the Ministry of Education will provide additional support to schools participating in the survey.
This article was translated with the support of DeepL.