Rumen Tsonev: Development is the Purpose of All Efforts

I measure my achievements mainly by numbers and less by emotions

Rumen Tsonev: Development is the Purpose of All Efforts

© ECONOMIC.BG / Личен архив

~ 2 min read
Автор: Tatyana Yavasheva Tatyana Yavasheva

Rumen Tsonev has been the Chief Executive Director of KCM 2000 Group since the beginning of 2013, a member of the Board of Directors of KCM 2000 AD and President of the Supervisory Committee of KCM AD. He joined the team of KCM AD in 1991 as an engineering specialist and headed the department soon after. Some of the biggest projects of the holding throughout the years were implemented under his leadership. He is a member of the Management Board of: Bulgarian Association of Metallurgical Industry, International Zinc Association (IZA) and Industry Consultative Committee at the International Lead and Zinc Study Group (ILZSG) at the UN. He is a holder of many awards, including Mister Economy, Industry 2014 and Plovdiv 2016 award.