Rumen Tsonev: Development is the Purpose of All Efforts
I measure my achievements mainly by numbers and less by emotions

© ECONOMIC.BG / Личен архив
Rumen Tsonev has been the Chief Executive Director of KCM 2000 Group since the beginning of 2013, a member of the Board of Directors of KCM 2000 AD and President of the Supervisory Committee of KCM AD. He joined the team of KCM AD in 1991 as an engineering specialist and headed the department soon after. Some of the biggest projects of the holding throughout the years were implemented under his leadership. He is a member of the Management Board of: Bulgarian Association of Metallurgical Industry, International Zinc Association (IZA) and Industry Consultative Committee at the International Lead and Zinc Study Group (ILZSG) at the UN. He is a holder of many awards, including Mister Economy, Industry 2014 and Plovdiv 2016 award.
Today, the world of business is as it was yesterday – setting goals, a lot of work, successes, failures, setting goals... Only the technology and the scope are different.
KCM - for me these three words are ambition, courage, value, dreams, satisfaction.
When you are at the top, it is nice to remember how you got there and not to forget that the top is not a plateau.
Sitting on the chair of a Chief Executive Director, the convenience is that you have more information than anyone else, and the inconvenience is that often you have to make unpopular decisions on that basis.
Being a leader either works or it doesn’t.
If I started my carrier now, I would find more time to study human relations in a business environment.
Development - behind this word is hidden the purpose of all efforts.
The similarity between non-ferrous metals and people is in their diversity.
The most important factors for business growth are the well-prepared and dedicated team and the accurate analysis of possible risks.
The easiest thing is to lead when you work with people who see values and success the same way you do, and the most difficult is when there are no rules in business or they are not followed.
After more than a quarter of a century of work for KCM, I realised that the secret of success was in the deliberate effort of a motivated team of professionals.
I measure my achievements mainly by numbers and less by emotions.
Between tradition and innovation, permanence and changeability I choose the reasonable balance among all of them.
The prognosis that affects the direction in which I do business is often related only to a certain possibility of something happening.
The World Is Big and Salvation Lurks around the Corner, but very often it turns out that the salvation is inside of us.
Bulgaria will be a more attractive place if our generation fulfils its mission successfully - ensure that young people find a place worth living at here and now.
The time of excuses related to the past is over.
My strength, I think, is in my ability to judge circumstances and people accurately and objectively.
Besides business I love people with sense of humour, nature and sports.
I can experience a nice moment if I suddenly see a smile on the face of an unknown person, and even better, if I am the reason for the smile.
Company Profile
KCM 2000 Group is a modern business structure, built entirely with Bulgarian private capital. The main sectors of the holding are mining and processing of mineral products, production of coloured and precious metals, complex industrial and business service, technological engineering and trade. The business and priority investments of the company are in line with the best practices on environmental protection and improvement of safety and health at work.