Let’s Sell, but How
Long-term customer relationships are based on honesty and trust, otherwise loyalty is not sustainable

© ECONOMIC.BG / EconomyMagazine/Krassimir Svrakov
Rumen Arsenov has years of experience in sales. He has long overcome the fear of failure, the fear of putting on different shoes and being involved in something he has not done before. He has learned from world-renown people in sales, he has been trained by some of the best in the sector in Bulgaria before becoming a trainer himself, and a trader, too; he is ready to engage in the sales activities of a variety of businesses. His advice is mainly focused on b2b, but it can also find a wider practical application. He is now the Business Development Manager at SoCyber, and he has accepted the challenge of entering the area of cybersecurity, a completely new territory for him. And this will be a real test of his professionalism.
Good selling skills are extremely important not only for each and every trader or company. Each day everyone “sells” themselves in their strive to be liked and highly appreciated. Here are some lessons from Rumen Arsenov:
The world of business is sales.
And if it is sales, we need to know how to sell. What is important to know...
is of key importance. If we are not communicative, we cannot sell anything. You have to persuade the other party to buy. But it is important to make a deal with a person who has a real need for our product or service.
Trust is very important in long-term relationships. We should not mislead our client. If we do it even once, we will lose their trust forever. The hardest thing is to persuade your client to believe in you and to trust you, but once you win them over, then, you have to take care of this trust.
A good trader
can sell anything. However, one needs to know as much as possible about what they offer. The product or service should solve a client’s problem. And before offering anything to potential clients, a trader has to be aware of how the product or service will benefit the client. It is only then that they should look for the circle of companies that would have a particular interest. They should not emphasize on the problem, but on the need for such a solution. A good trader is like a doctor – you trust them with everything. But same as a doctor, they have to keep their client’s secrets. A trader has to be able to ask the right questions – they are half of the way to a deal. If you have information on what is the specific need of your client, you will be able to offer them the right solution. A conversation can also reveal many other needs, besides the original reason for your meeting. That is why it is important for a trader to learn to listen and my recommendation is to speak around 30 to 40% of the time during a meeting, not more.
Think about your client
and don’t sell them things they don’t need. You will take their money one time, but they will no longer trust you. Another important rule is not to speak against your competitors. When it comes to bad practices, do not mention specific names. This can negatively affect you. We have to be careful what we say and what we promise. It is right to take on only the commitments we can fulfil.
The loyalty
of clients always hangs by a thread. Even the smallest mistake by the trader or the company whose products and services they offer, will push the client away to someone else. Loyalty requires attention and good care. In the analogue times, a dissatisfied client would tell it to more than 10 people, and a satisfied one – to only three, depending on the degree of (non)satisfaction; and in the digital age, social networks multiply these results on a large scale.
Sales are important to any company. They are an important “vector” in the growth of every business. You may have a wonderful product, but in order for it to get to the right clients, it needs to be offered in a smart way.
Smiles sell
– don’t forget that. Every good trader infects with their positive energy, and thus gains liking. Positive thinking has created the plane, and fear – the parachute. The desire for development has invented the car, and the foresight – the airbag. In sales, you have to find the right key to each client. So, create a pleasant mood, but do not forget the reason for the meeting. A successful trader knows a lot of techniques and one of them is when they are negotiating, if possible, the window has to be behind them. This focuses the interlocutor’s attention.
Body language
has to be a well-known subject. If the person you negotiate with begins to unconsciously repeat your actions, this means you have their consent and approval. And it means that you will get to a deal. Successful negotiations always end with a commitment on both sides. But not always the negotiations end with a deal. Sometimes they fail. If this happens a second time, ask directly what you have to do to make a successful sale. Maybe you did not do something that was expected of you. Specific questions are a way to get the client into the right shoes.
Successful sales
are the goal of every business, but unsuccessful once can also be useful if we learn from them. Over time, a good trader becomes ever better, because they know the best techniques and these techniques become automated. But here, too, there is no ever-lasting knowledge. The world is changing, the challenges before a trader, too.
Business means contacts, trust and good communication. Of course, a good product and a good service are essential in order to have trust in the future. A good trader can sell anything. But the important condition for long-term relationships is for the client to be satisfied.